Fratelli Tutti Study Guide

The Fratelli Tutti Study Guide was developed to prayerfully accompany people through a reflective reading of Pope Francis' new encyclical, "Brothers & Sisters All". Conventual Friar Charlie McCarthy authored chapter 6, which…

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Cardinal Mauro Gambetti OFM Conv.
Cardinal Mauro Gambetti with Fr. John Voytek OFM Conv., a confessor at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti OFM Conv.

Due to COVID-19 worldwide mandatory health protocols, the consistory had a limited attendance. Each new Cardinal was allowed only a few guests. Fr. John Voytek OFM Conv., a Confessor at the St.…

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The Source of Joy

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete”John 15:11 Most Christians are familiar with the fruits of the Holy…

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Human Migration: Bird Watching or Encounter

adapted from an article first published in San Bonaventura informa, the monthly magazine of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure (“Seraphicum”) - For full article click here A friend called…

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