…On Works of Mercy

The works of mercy are common Christian practices that find their roots in the teachings of Jesus. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and…

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…On Poverty of Spirit & Prayer

The beatitudes, proclaimed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, reveal the path to holiness, says Pope Francis during a Mass celebrated in Rome’s Verano. Of these eight beatitudes,…

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Concerning Fasting

that Pleases God, from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah 58:1-12 St. Francis of Assisi used to say that “the deed you do may be the only sermon some persons will…

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The NOW of the Church

Josh Alanis, student at the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP), created a film with young adults sharing their faith life and what it's like to live in a border…

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Pray for Our Elected Officials

From the Little Portion Farm at the Shrine of St. Anthony, Ellicott City, Maryland Friar Cristofer M. Fernández and Farmer Matt Jones lead a prayer for the elected officials in…

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