A Tent of Peace

A Tent of Peace

In celebration of Earth Day, Conventual, Capuchin, and Secular Franciscans gathered at the Villa Borghese Park in Rome (Italy) from April 22 to 23, 2023. The Capuchin ministries “Frate Indovino” and “Assisi Missio” sponsored a “Tent of Peace,” where many people of all ages came to visit and learn more about Franciscan care for creation and peace building.

Each day there was a showing of the documentary: Franciscan Social Theatre Training: Responding to Ukrainian War Trauma. A discussion was held after each showing.


Taking to heart the words of Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (50), we created an atmosphere where we invited people to come together to seek the truth in dialogue and relaxed conversation leading to authentic encounter and the building of fraternity.

 – friar Michael Lasky OFM Conv.

On Monday, April 24, Friar Michael Lasky represented the Franciscan Social Theatre Team in an interview he gave to Vatican Radio about the Earth Day peace building events. Listen to it in English at the 11:13 minute mark. Go to: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/podcast/english-podcast/2023/04/vatican-world-news-24-04-2023.html