Update on our Postulants

Update on our Postulants

Postulancy is the first year of initial formation in the Order of Friars Minor Conventual. It is a year of introduction to and immersion in the Franciscan lifestyle. Here’s just a few things our postulants have been doing in August and September.

In mid-August, our postulants traveled from the House of Studies on the North Side of Chicago to the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio, to help with the annual Novena. The Vigil on the evening of August 14 begins with a candlelight procession that follows a float carrying the statue of Our Lady into Shrine Park for the Vigil Mass.

One of the traditional duties for the postulants is to stand outside Shrine Park and collect donations as the many pilgrims pass through the gates on their way to the Vigil Mass. One postulant compared the experience to a “fish swimming upstream” as they all stood firm while receiving greetings and gratitude along with the passing pilgrims’ financial gifts.

On August 11, before their trip to Carey, the Postulants visited the Friars at the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe at Marytown, north of Chicago. They attended a Cordia Pia devotion, where the five holy wounds of Jesus were venerated through hymns and a procession of the cross. This year marks the 800th Anniversary of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi. While deep in prayer during the final years of his life, Francis had a vision of Jesus Christ during which he received the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross.

On September 12, our Conventual Franciscan Postulants teamed up with their Capuchin Franciscan counterparts for prayer and fellowship over a meal at the House of Studies/St. Bonaventure Friary. September 12 is the feast day of the Holy Name of Mary. The visit included a friary tour and good dialogue among Friar formators and Postulants.

Please keep our postulants and all those in formation in your prayers.