Seeking Providence as One’s Guide

Seeking Providence as One’s Guide

“I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”

While every adult has the responsibility to vote, there is no clear or cast in stone “proper” decision. There are people who would tout their choices as being the correct for everyone and the only way to vote. But, like so many of life’s issues and conundrums, clear choices are few and far between. There is no “Catholic Vote!” But Catholics are called to vote!

Pope Francis challenges us to “choose between the lesser of two evils.” That is a pretty stark statement.

We are to pray, decipher the data (cutting between information and disinformation) and discern where the voice of our vote resonates with personal conscience and how it might serve best.

The Catholic Church offers Seven Guideposts of values to consider when weighing choices in our lives and our interface with politics: The Right to Life, and the Dignity of the Human Person (Womb to Tomb); Call to Family, Community and Participation (to nurture and be nurtured); Rights and Responsibilities (within society and the political realm); Advocacy for the Poor and Vulnerable (All are created in the Image of God); Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers (Respect and Personal Value); Solidarity (There is but one human family.); Caring for God’s Creation (of which we are integral).

How do you discern these values in the voices of those running for office? None represent all of these. But each of us needs to discern who best represents the whole.

-Peace, fr Charles McCarthy OFM Conv.

We Pray for Discernment in our Choosing

We pray for discernment
so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word,
live your love, and keep in the ways of your truth
as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles
and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops