Prayer for Peace
Painting by Titian ca. 1516-1518 (on the high altar at the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice)

Prayer for Peace

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this day, the Latin Patriach of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, invites everyone “to a moment of intercession for peace to the Blessed Virgin Mary.” You can read his full text on the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem website.

Here is the prayer that he included:

Supplication for peace to Our Lady assumed into Heaven 

O most glorious Mother of God,
raised above the choirs of angels,
pray for us with Saint Michael the Archangel
and with all the angelic powers of heaven
and with all the saints,
to your most holy and beloved Son, our Lord and master. 

Obtain for this Holy Land,
for all His children
and for all humanity
the gift of reconciliation and peace. 

May your prophecy be fulfilled:
the proud are scattered
in the imaginations of their hearts;
the mighty are overthrown from their thrones,
and finally, the humble are raised;
Let the hungry be filled with good things,
the peaceful be recognized as children of God
and that the meek may receive the earth as a gift. 

May Jesus Christ, your Son, grant us this,
He who exalted you today above the choirs of angels,
who crowned you with the diadem of the Kingdom,
and has placed you on the throne of eternal splendour.
To him be honour and glory forever. Amen.