From Dover to Canterbury

From Dover to Canterbury

Commemorating the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the first Franciscans into England, pilgrimage events are taking place in Dover to Canterbury, London, and Oxford.

On September 9, pilgrims participated in a guided tour of Medieval Dover from Dover Beach (where the first Franciscans landed) to St. Edmund’s Chapel.

The morning of September 10, Minister General Friar Carlos Trovarelli, 120th Successor of St. Francis of Assisi, presided at Mass on Dover Beach. Friar Joseph Wood, Assistant General, preached the homily. Following breakfast, pilgrims had the option to join in a walking pilgrimage of 19 miles to Canterbury. 

The pilgrims spent the day of September 11 in Canterbury. Friar Michael Lasky took the following photo of the rainbow that graced the end of the first part of the pilgrimage.

Next, the pilgrims will gather in London on September 17th and will celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi.

(Photos courtesy of The Parish of the Good Shepherd in Dover)