Finding Peace

Through God's Sense of Humor Friar Vincent Vivian spent 17 years as a missionary in Ghana. It was during this time that he says he discovered God's sense of humor.…

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Easter Flowers in Poland

Friars and Ukrainian Refugees Praying in the Basilica of Saint Francis in Kraków, Friar Arek Żelechowski contemplates the wall mural of pansies woven into trellis-style lattice work, his attention drawn…

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Visit With Our Friars in Lviv, Ukraine

From March 31st to April 1st 2022, Friar Carlos A. Trovarelli, Minister General, visited the Convent of St. Francis of Assisi in Lviv, Ukraine. Also present were the Guardian of…

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Prayer in Action

We continue to pray for peace. Our brothers in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and other surrounding areas are assisting refugees by supplying humanitarian aid, food and shelter, a welcoming presence.In Przemyś,…

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Praying for Peace

Peace and Good!Yesterday, in our friary in Poland on the border with Ukraine (100 meters away), celebrations on the conclusion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Servant of…

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A Pilgrim on a Journey of Peace

Taking nothing for his journey except a passion to share the Good News of the Gospel, especially its message of peace, Franciscan Friar Ivan Rohloff’s 23 years of missionary service…

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