800th Anniversary of Franciscans in England

800th Anniversary of Franciscans in England

In response to Jesus’ call for Christians to be fishers of people, Saint Francis of Assisi chose Friar Agnellus of Pisa to sail to England with eight friars. Arriving in Dover on September 10, 1224, these friars minor began Casting the Net of Saint Peter with the Cord of Saint Francis.

The friars made their way to Canterbury by foot the next morning. Five of the friars remained in Canterbury, while the other four set out for London. Two of the friars later went on to Oxford. 

Franciscanism quickly spread throughout England, Wales, and Scotland. In 1230, one of the English friars who had landed with Friar Agnellus of Pisa was sent to establish the Franciscan Order in Ireland.

Special events are taking place in Dover, Canterbury, London, and Oxford to commemorate this 800th anniversary. Dover to Canterbury celebrations began on September 9 and will conclude on September 11. London celebrations will be on September 17, and in Oxford on September 20 and 21.

(Please note that registration has closed for many of the events but some are open to the public. Learn more by visiting https://franciscan-pilgrimage-england-800thanniversary.com/