Reflections on a Year of War: Part Three

Franciscans in the Ukraine Friar Michal Staszak provides an update from our friary in Bilshivtsi. Located in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, this area is relatively safe, with many rehabilitation…

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Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross In support of marginalized people Meditation "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these…

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Moving More Deeply Into Ecological Conversion
Holy Cross Retreat Center has formed a Laudato, Si' committee to promote education, ecological conversion, and action on the goals of the encyclical.

Moving More Deeply Into Ecological Conversion

Responding to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, Holy Cross Retreat Center, located near Las Cruces NM, formed a committee to promote education, ecological conversion, and action on the goals of…

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Fourth Station

Jesus Meets His Mother Sister Mother Earth suffers, too Meditation God created the Heavens and the Earth, the cradle for every life form known to us, doing so God made…

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Reflections on a Year of War: Part Two
Friar Artur writes, "at our Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, we offer Mass and recite the Rosary for our soldiers fighting in the east, for the volunteers, for the civilian workers and for all those who protect our country and keep it functioning."

Reflections on a Year of War: Part Two

Franciscans in the Ukraine In September of 2022, Friar Artur Spodar enrolled in a training course to learn how to provide professional assistance to war victims and veterans. He writes…

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Third Station

Jesus Falls the First Time The fallen state of the environment causes people to emigrate Meditation To the weight of the cross, an even heavier burden is added: the powerful…

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