Working for Nonviolent Change
L to R: Judy Coode (Pax Christi International); Bishop John Stowe; Sr. Natalie Becquart (Undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops)

Working for Nonviolent Change

“Pope Francis, Nonviolence and the Fullness of Pacem in Terris” is the title of a conference held earlier this month in Rome, Italy. Catholic Church leaders and participants from 28…

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Friar Serving with Native Americans Featured in St. Anthony Messenger
Friar Charles McCarthy hears confessions during a pilgrimage up Tortuga Mountains in New Mexico on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Friar Serving with Native Americans Featured in St. Anthony Messenger

Friar Charles McCarthy serves the Laguna and Acoma Pueblos at the Pueblo of Acoma’s San Esteban Parish, established in 1629, and the Laguna Pueblo’s St. Joseph Parish, established in 1699.…

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Friar Peter Builds an Ark

(Many thanks to Elon University for permission to share this story.)Friar Peter Tremblay, Associate Chaplain for Catholic Life at Elon University, enjoys crafting beautiful objects through woodworking. He recently completed…

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In Honor of St. Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Kateri Tekakwitha friary in El Paso, Texas - photo by Alfonso Baeza

In Honor of St. Kateri Tekakwitha

In 2021, the friars in the Southwest celebrated 30 years of Franciscan presence in El Paso, Texas. From the very beginning, the friars have ministered to the Tigua People -…

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