Secular Franciscan Popes

Franciscan Popes - Part 10 (An excerpt from a presentation by friar Joseph Wood OFM Conv.Read the introduction to this seriesRead Part 2 of the the series: Pope Gregory XI?Part…

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San Damiano Formation House & CFF Meeting
CFF Meeting

San Damiano Formation House & CFF Meeting

This spring, Friar Joseph Wood, Assistant General for the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF), made a canonical visit to the Province of Our Lady of Consolation. Beginning at the San Damiano…

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Bishop Martin’s Coat of Arms

The Most Reverend Michael Martin OFM Conv., installed as Bishop of Charlotte on May 30, enlisted the help of a former student in designing his coat of arms. Brian Taberski,…

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Friar Richard Rome Ordained to the Priesthood
Friar Richard Rome with his brother friars following his ordination to the priesthood.

Friar Richard Rome Ordained to the Priesthood

Friar Richard Rome was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at St. Casimir Catholic Church in Baltimore, Maryland. The Most Reverend Gregory John Hartmayer OFM Conv., Archbishop…

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